EARTH WAYS - A Study in Earth-Honoring Traditions
Thank you for your interest in this offering. We will be opening the doors to Earth Ways soon, you can sign up here to be the first to hear about updates, and feel free to contact us with any questions.
Earth Ways is a joyful, study-from-home, exploration of earth-honoring traditions that you can engage with from anywhere! Inspired and informed by our more intensive Touch the Earth offering, Earth Ways is designed to make these traditions, teachings, and practices as accessible and affordable as possible. Offering a wealth of materials and a supportive context, this study serves as an invitation into closer relationship with the rhythms of the earth and deeper alignment with your own natural rhythms. We see the fostering of intimacy with the earth as an immensely practical contribution to both personal well-being, and cultural change. Earth Ways offers simple practices that help you connect with your home, your roots, and your true longings - to support you in navigating life from a place of deep listening and alignment with earth-honoring values.
Here’s a bit more about what Earth Ways offers, through both the principles and philosophy that shape the offering, and the nuts and bolts of what you will receive:
Intimacy with the earth is our natural state of being as a species in this garden in space, but we must step out of distraction to return to it. Prioritizing connection with our mama planet, wherever we live, (including the city) allows us access to the greatest love, support, and guidance we could ever imagine. A remembering that changes our lives is right here, under our feet and in the air we breathe. As we shake off the fallacy that we are somehow separate from, or smarter than, the rest of the family of creation, a radical reordering of our hearts takes place. We wake from amnesia about our place in the family of creation and learn to listen differently, and live differently with our bodies and our whole selves. This is where real change happens; it is our love for the earth that will mend the culture.
Earth-honoring cultures center relationship and nurturance over profit and acquisition. Entangled in this modern Western cultural model, we have a long way to go in this healing process. Truly embracing a way of life that honors the sanctity of all beings asks yet another radical reordering of our hearts, minds, habits, and the way we distribute access to care. Our community holds a firm commitment to dismantling racism, capitalism, systems of hate and a culture of blind consumption that inflicts endless harm on the earth. As we remember and reclaim an earth-honoring definition of what family and wealth really mean, we enter into an ethic of community care that acknowledges our inherent interconnection and collective responsibility for each other’s well-being, including the well-being of the earth.
While we are absolutely here for the long-term work of reimagining and remaking the culture, we know that this most often effectively happens in the care of vibrant people who celebrate one cup of tea, one meaningful conversation, one day in the garden, or one seasonal blessing at a time. We change our lives through our repeated actions.If we have learned anything through decades of community building, it is that people need support to follow through on this. Earth Ways offers lush, well-paced, hands-on seasonal, weekly, and daily practices to share in with your community that will help you to reconnect with what life on earth is meant to be; an embodiment of joy.
In this offering you will receive:
A beautiful printable seasonal workbook with foundational teachings, seasonal recipes, hands-on projects, and journal prompts. These workbooks are collaboratively designed and lovingly curated by our program development team: Maro, ShuNahSii, and Robin, so that you can keep a record of your journey and have this to keep for years to come.
Access to recorded, written, and video teachings: These teachings allow you to go deeper into the foundation and workings of earth-honoring traditions in your own time. They’ll also offer practical instruction for hands-on seasonal projects. All digital offerings will be stored in one online hub for continued easy access.
Weekly Supportive Email Reminders: Over the decades of community organizing, we have learned that people benefit tremendously from consistent support and easy ways to stay in touch with intentions and practices in daily life. We will be sending out regular emails with tidbits, links, reminders, and support that turn your gaze back in the direction of your practice and keep you in the flow.
Online Learning Space: This learning space will both house all of our materials in one, easy-to-find place, and provide access to facilitators and a community of like-minded people to ask questions, share experiences and reflections, and support each other in these explorations.
Seasonal Video Gatherings: These gatherings give you the opportunity to connect in real-time with your other folks engaged in this exploration, and explore the seasonal themes and practices we are working with in greater depth.
Our Ethic of Community Care - How Cost Breaks Down
Earth Ways aims to be an affordable and accessible community exploration of earth-honoring ways. People entering the course make a full-year commitment, with the option to continue and deepen for years to come. Payments for this offering are set up on an automated monthly basis and are on a wide sliding scale.
We offer this payment range of $25.00 - $250.00 per month as an invitation and request that those of us here together embody a true ethic of community care and share in the responsibility of improving access to care and learning for our community members who are most targeted by systemic harm. From an earth-honoring perspective, the well-being of the whole community is the responsibility of the whole community. Embracing a way of life that honors the sanctity of all beings asks a radical reordering of our hearts, minds, habits, and this includes the ways we distribute access to care.
Our True Earth community is dedicated to redefining wealth as a well planet and a well community; in this spirit we hold a firm ethic of community care. Living this ethic means redistributing access to care (often determined by access to money) in the work that we do. We are continually making strides in our ability to speak more clearly to this ethic and are thankful for the support we continue to receive. When deciding where to pay on this scale, we ask that you please keep in mind that because we are a truly intersectional community a significant percentage of our community members need scholarship in order to be here and everyone giving generously as they are able is what makes this possible. If you are Indigenous, Black, trans/non-binary, queer, disabled, or genuinely need relief from systemic cultural violence, know that you have a place with us and that it is very important to us that this community is safe and accessible for you; if you need a scholarship, let us know. We depend on our scholarship fund to make access to care, community, and learning readily available, and it largely depends on the generosity of community members with more financial breathing room and/or access to resources. If this is you, we ask that you please participate in this ethic of Community Care by paying on the high end for our offerings.
To Register
We will be re-opening registration for this offering soon, you can sign up here to be the first to hear about updates, and feel free to contact us with any questions.