How to Make a Flower Essence
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Flower Essences are easy to use, have no adverse side effects, and no contraindications. They are resonant medicines, meaning that (like homeopathy) they work with vibration to rebalance emotions and restore vitality to the body. This resource is intended to support those of you who want to experience the joy and satisfaction of making your medicines, which also happily draws you into a closer relationship with the earth (and saves you money).
Making medicines is an act of beauty and power, meaning it empowers us to have greater agency over our own well-being. It is a process that we must always approach with great respect. Bioregional medicines come from the land we have a relationship with, even in the city (with mindfulness about potential contaminants), as this is best for the earth. My very first “Herb Mothers” (people I apprenticed with in herbal medicine) instilled in me the absolute importance of respect. This is what they taught:
Note where you are gathering from and how this context shapes your medicine.
Pause to offer sincere gratitude to the plants for what they give.
Never take too much of any plant from a given area.
Always be mindful of supporting the continuation of the species.
When we leave a place we have gathered medicine from, it should look like we were never there.
All plant preparations have specific considerations to keep in mind. Flower Essences are no exception. Here are a few important things to keep in mind about making Flower Essences:
What you are making is a “Mother Essence”; a foundational remedy that will last for years to come.
What you purchase from Flower Essence providers is a “Stock Bottle”; a preparation made from the Mother Essence that is for shorter-term use. (Though it also has a long shelf life.)
It is important to not touch the flowers as you make these preparations and to ideally use non-metal tweezers. You are aiming to infuse the uninterrupted “essence” of the flower into the remedy (not the essence of stainless steel, or you ;-).
It is essential to make the Flower Essences on a clear, sunny day. The sun, uninterrupted by cloud cover, works to impart the essence of the flowers to the water.
Preparing a Mother Essence
Bring your supplies (see list at bottom) and offerings of gratitude to the place where you will make your essence. It will need to infuse there in the sunlight for an average of 1 - 2 hours. Please Note: If you are making your essences away from home, you need to plan for varying amounts of time at this location. While 1 - 2 hours is the most common duration for infusing mother essences, some flowers are much more delicate and will fade in vibrancy in a shorter time. You need to keep an eye on the process. If you are not familiar with the hardiness of the flower you are working with, I suggest doing a test run by floating just one flower and watching how it behaves. Chicory, for example, starts to almost disintegrate on the water surprisingly soon. While it does take some planning and consideration to familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of making Flower Essences, the medicines last a very long time. Once you get the hang of it, it really is quite easy, and well worth the initial investment.
You will need to have time outside to get to know where the flowers live. Calling you out into a more regular relationship with nature is one of the best parts of medicine making. When you have identified a flower that you are ready to work with (and is ready to work with you), begin by slowing down enough to actually take in the place where you are - the place this flower calls home. This slows you down and puts you in the right space to do work of this nature. Offer gratitude to the place, the plant family, and the day; all of these influence the medicine you are preparing.
Mindfully select flowers that are in their prime from the plant you are working with - the healthiest, most vibrant flowers of the bunch. While not touching the flowers with your hands, pick enough of these flowers (with your tweezers) to float over most of the surface of the water. Depending on which flower you are working with, sometimes this is a single flower; other times it is as many as one hundred. Remember - do not touch the flowers with your hands.
Place your vessel in direct sunlight, in a place where it will be free from disturbance for (most commonly) 1-2 hours.
When the time is up, use your tweezers to remove flowers from the surface of the water and set aside. It is important to always part with the flowers lovingly to honor their generosity. I always say thank you again and compost mine.
Storing Your Mother Essences
Amber or cobalt glass is best, as their color protects the medicines from light and extends the shelf life. The Mother Essence is made of equal parts essence and preservative. Use a small funnel to pour the essence you’ve just made into your sterilized dropper bottle (which is already half full with preservative). Cover and label with: the name of the flower, choice of preservative, date, and place the essence was made. This is your Mother Essence. It will last for many years. As long as the potion maintains its clarity, it is fine to keep using it.
Making a Stock Bottle
A stock bottle is what you buy from Flower Essence distributors. To make your own, use a 1-oz. amber glass eyedropper and (sterilized) bottle. Fill it with equal parts of distilled water and preservative of choice. Add three drops of your chosen Mother Essence to the bottle, seal, and shake for about 30 seconds (to potentize/activate). You can use the stock bottles as single remedies or make combinations (see our Flower Essence kits for ideas). Three drops of the stock bottle can be added to: water (popping it into your water bottle is a great way to remember to take it), non-caffeinated beverages, or a bath.
Supplies You Will Need
Small, clear crystal or glass bowl, or wine glass (free of etching or patterning)
4 - 8 oz of distilled water
Tweezers (ideally non-metal), clean and ready
Enough flowers of choice to float over the entire surface of the water
A sterilized 2-oz. amber glass eye dropper bottle filled half-way with either brandy or vinegar as a preservative. This is for storing your Mother Essence.
Funnel - for pouring the essence into the dropper bottle
A label to mark your bottle with